I’m sure some people would be flattered
6 August 2007 | personals, purposefully missed connections, queer | 3 Comments
It’s not a situation I would have anticipated: On a personals site, someone stating in his profile that his band is going on tour soon (my town: later this month) and that he’d need places to stay, shot me a message saying I “seem like a rad guy.” Also, according to his profile, he’s not adverse to having a fuckbuddy from time to time. Also, he’s 22.
I’m connecting the dots in the most probable manner, and I’m just not lecherous enough for this gig. Forgive me if I don’t respond.
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I’m almost morbidly curious to see this guy’s profile, or at least his myspace page. 😀
But you are awesome!
Awesome and not interested in being the sexual patron of young, budding death metal.